Home General Information Scientific Program Registration Accommodation Abstracts Social Events Visiting Sevilla Univ. de Sevilla Visiting Andalucía Organizing committee Accompanying Person

You can register by filling the "Registration form" which can be downloaded here (you should use the right button and use the Save as option of your explorer to download to a local file) as a PDF file.

This form must be faxed to:


C/ Tetuán, 24, 41001-SEVILLA (Spain)

Phone: 34 95 422 4095 Fax. 34 954 210 215

E-mail: congresos.sevilla@viajesiberia.com

The deadline for economic registration is June 15, 2002.


A certain number of grants for younger scientist will be available. A CV and a recommendation letter from a Senior Scientist should be Faxed to +34 954 557 174 or e-mailed to espa2002@simulux.us.es. The "Registration form" should arrive before May 29.


Lunches are included in the registration fee and will be served at the Colegio Mayor Hernando Colon that is placed 2 minutes walk from the Conference site. The closing dinner is also included in the registration fees.


Home General Information Scientific Program Registration Accommodation Abstracts Social Events Visiting Sevilla Univ. de Sevilla Visiting Andalucía Organizing committee Accompanying Person